All articles tagged with "Pain"

Mistress Gabriela could tell that this guy was horny and he needed to get laid. So she took advantage of that and she teased him. The mistress turned him on and she got him begging her to fuck him. But she waited until his dick became soft and she told him to wear a dick lock before she turned him on again and this time it hurt him as he got a hard on.

Mistress Xenia did not know that this guy was as gullible as he was. Because she was hot, she was able to make him do crazy things. He did not imagine that it would turn from being a fun session to one which was painful for him. The mistress got him to wear a chastity device and then she teased him. He got turned on and as his dick got larger, it hurt him.

Princess Serena wanted to degrade this loser so she did it with her chastity device. She used it to gain total control over him and force him to practice chastity. The princess laughed at how scared he looked and how he begged her for mercy. She ignored him and went on doing her thing so that she would achieve what she set out to achieve when she set out to punish him.

When she felt like their values were not aligned, this mistress chose to make her boyfriend wear a chastity device so that she would be sure of what he was doing all the time as she had the key. The mistress's pussy is fire and that is why she teased him before she had him wear it. She knew he would not resist her and that is why she used that method.

Lady Karame scared the shit out of this guy. She knew what she wanted to do to him but she felt it would be better if he did it himself. She wanted him to wear a chastity device so she made him wear it by himself instead of her putting it on for him. He was so scared of her that he actually did it as she watched while smoking.

Mistress BlackDiamoond and her friend wanted to mess with this guy as they had nothing better to do. So they went ahead and they made him wear a dick lock. He did not have a say in the matter and had to do what they wanted. The mistresses then hid the key and had fun degrading him including making him wear a dress. They played with his balls in order to get him to have a hard on so that the penis lock would hurt him.

This guy is a compulsive cheater and his girlfriend wanted it to stop so she talked to mistress Tiffany and her friend to get help in handling him. She did not want to lose him. So the mistresses got down to work after she had taken him to them. They undressed him and made him wear a chastity device and they gave her the key to keep so that he would never use his dick for anything other than peeing without her permission.

Madame Marissa was angry at her boyfriend to the point that she did not care how she punished him. All that mattered to her was that he learned his lesson the method notwithstanding. So she used a chastity device that she had. She forced him to wear it and then she teased him so that he would get hurt when he had a hard on. It was painful for him and that was what she wanted.

Lady Karame did not like how this guy loved sex so much that she could not keep up. She had to find a way to regulate it because she did not want him to get it from outside or even satisfy himself by jerking off. So the mistress went ahead and she made this guy wear a chastity device and she hid the chastity key and only let his dick out when she felt like fucking him.

Lady Bunt wanted to have fun trying out something with a chastity device. So the mistress looked for a gullible guy and she got him to wear a cock lock after she had lied to him that it was sexy and a turn on for her. After he wore it, the naughty mistress teased him and she laughed at him as he got hurt when he had a hard on.

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